Quotes on Relationships and Inner Alchemy
1.Deep relationships require evolving from a spirit of taking to giving.Service to mankind and all of supporting life is a panacea.
2. Belongingness is dependent on real vibe .No consciousness without belongingness.
3. God is bliss embodied but it is through science how it expresses eternal bliss.
4. Rotation is inward seeking and revolution outward. Together they make skimming and scanning possible. What they produce together becomes divine attributes.
5. Unless there is a pool of strong, seated deep inside, no revolution is possible. No permanent change, no seasons.
6.All offerings are for unification. Selfless offerings intrue earnestness are celebrations that unite beings in spiritual world and the world around.
7.Ever moving in flow of time, greatest wealth is to be ready to sacrifice oneself then to give to gain.
8. Limitless is connected through self-created inner limits. No focus, no knowledge.
9.Sacrifice of senses is fuel for igniting wisdom. Inner gross burns becomes more
pervasive and subtle.
10.Penance that demands merit does not cause any pain at all.
11.Endurance is lived with eyes on universal connectedness and pure ideals surpassing all visible pain.
12.Pain is manifestation in visible signs or seen through actions after having embraced cowardice when love emanating from heart is blocked.
13.Ever increasing attachment eventually leads to stupidity.
14.I am a waste producing machine. Creation is a divine entity and He confers where that has to happen.
15.All of real blockage is in emotional realm.Dissolution happens through association with
superior elements.
16.Central force of social and religious fabric is feminine. It entails embryonic expansion. 17. Clearer the water, gentler its surroundings. 18.Blessings could also be those inner obstructions confronting all inner shocks continuously, being in center of movement. Tremors of which get manifested outside as sweet fate.
19.Real protection is in always realizing elements in their disintegrated state and living with them joyfully in their integrated state.
20. A detour around obstacles, unabatedly embracing virtuous path Endows definite progress slowly and gently.
21. Tears of good intentions flowing from sufferings after being misunderstood ,have power to put any ally back to senses.
22.Life’s physical resistance is felt through muscles. State of our bodily electrons matters at time of any external interactions.
23. Surrender and selfless devotion are pinnacle of any relationship. Those who are our own ,will take us for granted.
24. In realm of subtle, if yielding seemingly harmless gross is allowed to penetrate,
gross with ulterior dishonest intentions,Subtler than the subtle suffers.
25. There is inherent tension in each of life’s strings ,in order to attract its opposite. All dreams release tension both manifested and unmanifested.